The month of Ramadan is a month full of wisdom, forgiveness and relief and mercy from Allah SWT. In Islam, every devout Muslim must carry out the Fasting Service. Muslims around the world eagerly anticipate it as an important part of the Ramadan tradition. To perform the Fasting Service, one needs Iftar Food with adequate […]

Sumba Island, East Nusa Tenggara, has a series of natural panoramas capable of seducing every pair of eyes looking at it. A best destination in the country with amazing natural potential, amazing culture. Unfortunately, there are still many islands in the central part of Indonesia that are not yet. Even though the journey to this […]

Photo spots in Ubud – If you are planning a vacation to Bali. Don’t forget to stop by in Ubud! This area is famous as a center of charming traditional arts and crafts. In addition, you should also enjoy its natural beauty. No wonder there are many photo spots in Ubud which are one of the attractions. […]

Millennials must be familiar with the term “starter pack”. Well, for those who hear about it for the first time, starter pack is slang for a number of items that are identical to something. However, if translated into Indonesian, of course it will sound strange and inaccurate, because it means “initial package”. This term is […]
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